Sawgrass Marketing

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3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Experiential Marketing

I'm guilty. My nose is always in my smartphone. Checking out the latest deals, scrolling through social media, watching videos of my daughter, or checking emails. With the worldwide web at your fingertips, it's difficult to step back and remember to interact with the real-world.

And yet, despite all of this, experiential marketing is now more important than ever. While social media and digital marketing are here to stay, an in-person experience can be just as, if not more memorable. Did you know that 41% of marketers believe live events are the most critical marketing channel?

Here’s why personal interaction will always overpower a digital presence. 

The Emotional Connection

Let’s go to a concert- let’s say Elton John or Billy Joel. Before you arrive to the concert, just thinking of the artist has your mind putting classic melodies on replay in your mind. You’re most likely reminiscing about college parties, road trips, or scenes from your favorite movie where that soundtrack played. Now think about seeing one of these artists live. Your smartphone is out sharing your experience with everyone on social media and storing those memories in the iCloud for a rainy day. No matter how high quality or close you are to the stage, nothing can compare to actually being there. This is because seeing versus doing often leaves out emotion. Can we say FOMO?

When it comes to business and marketing, emotion is one of the biggest drivers of purchases. So how can you use this to your advantage? Offer your customers a personal experience that will subconsciously connect your brand with positive emotions.

The Face-to-Face Factor

Event marketing is a tried and true business strategy. After attending one face-to-face event or experience, according to EventTrack 2018, 85% of consumers are likely to purchase from a business and 91% will have more positive feelings about the brand. Live events provide businesses the opportunity to engage with potential customers and gives attendees the opportunity to make personal connections, and that is a powerful thing! 

The most common events companies host are one-day conferences or seminars, product trainings, thought-leadership workshops, and VIP breakfast/lunches/dinners. These networking opportunities place a face and personality with your brand. You’re not only sharing expert knowledge, but your connecting community leaders when they may not have another opportunity to meet face-to-face. When planning an event, ask yourself what problem it will solve or how you will talk about the problems that your business solves, and what emotions you want attendees to feel. 

The Challenges

Hosting an event can be scary! What if people don’t show up? Nearly half of marketers note that their biggest challenge when it comes to events is getting people to RSVP. Preparation is key, however, as 96% of attendees look for information prior to attending an event, and 90% continue that search post-event. You’ll want to set goals and creative incentives for people to show up too. If your event includes a ticket price, you’re more likely to have an invested audience attend.

Once again, knowing your audience and the problems that you solve for them will help you determine the type of pre-event content to create and share. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Utilize your social and digital presence to inform your target audience of your event and engage with them in advance to build excitement. 

The Moral of the Story

Businesses that are surpassing their goals organize more events each year. They know that reinvesting their profits in customer experiences leads to more revenue.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to dive into experiential marketing but aren’t sure where to start, schedule a free consultation today and discover how we can give your business a leg up.